(continued from Special Features)

Using Hyperlinks

HTML links can be incorporated into messages and notes. When the recipient clicks the link, the web browser will launch and load the linked page.

Using Hyperlinks in Booking Notes can be a useful way of linking to saved documents that are specific to a booking—e.g., an email regarding a specific booking can be saved to file and a Hyperlink can be set up in a booking note to point to the saved file.


In the notes and messaging screens, there is a button to identify and insert HTML links, which can then be pulled through onto a message.

Insert Hyperlink.

Clicking the button will bring up a dialogue box to insert the URL link and the URL name to show in the Note.

Screen Shot 224: Hypertext Link Dialogue

Link to URL

Enter the URL.

The URL link must begin with http://


Linked Text

A name or alias for the link which displays as the hypertext link in the message. If left blank, the URL will display.

The link will display in the Note. To edit the link, right click on the link in the Note and a menu appears to Edit Hyperlink of Remove Hyperlink.

Once the Hyperlink is stored in the Note: clicking on the link will launch the Internet Browser and load the webpage stored.

(continued in Mathematic Expressions)